Ferrari Enzo Tribute
by ssR
If you've ever been interested in the idea of working with fiberglass or carbon fibre, we've got a project log you need to be following. The Ferrari Enzo Tribute is ssR's second worklog, but if you've taken a look at his first project,
Aqualight, you know it will have some pretty large shoes to fill.
ssR works with fiberglass regularly, so it was an easy choice for the Ferrari mod. But it didn't start out this way - the mod actually developed over a number of months around the end of the first project. ssR was discussing a theme with Bill from MNPCTech, who said he had never seen a good Ferrari mod done. The idea was set, and ssR went back to his drawings.
Fortunately, the basic design for the Ferrari Enzo Tribute had already been drawn up as a random design idea in SketchUp. All that was needed was the time and materials to move the basic drawings into reality. And the rest, well...that's in the pictures.

PLAN YOUR MOD. Really. ssR designed Ferrari in SketchUp around the end of his last mod, he just didn't know it was the Ferrari mod yet. When he was challenged by a fellow modder to create a Ferrari-themed mod, he already had his plans ready to go. They just needed some tweaking.

The project's basic shape is provided by thin plywood, foam and other shaping agents. These pieces will eventually be covered over by fiberglass. Everything at this stage has to be measured very precicely, or the final fiberglass creation won't fit together properly.

The most basic shape is entirely plywood. The project has come a long way already, but it's stayed true to its original designs so far...

But once the basic enclosure is done, it's time to get creative. ssR has begun to frame-in the internals of the case, and has started designing outside accents by using foam. Once the shaping is done, it will be time to create the actual fiberglass.
ssR's work is impeccable and his skills in fiberglass are a must-see for anyone who wants to consider it for his or her next mod. So take a stop by his
worklog and see how he does it!
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